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Saigondance 94 – 96 Second street, Ward 4, District 3
(8428) 38 329 429 - 0902 322 361
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0945 864 466

Yoga Exercises to Maintain Youthfulness

Yoga remains one of the most popular methods for beauty and exercise worldwide. Among the countless benefits yoga offers, maintaining beauty and helping to stay youthful are particularly attractive reasons for women to practice yoga.

If you don’t have time to attend professional yoga classes at SaigonDance Center or other yoga classes in Saigon, you can practice yoga at home with these 5 poses.

Cobra Pose Benefits

Stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen; firms the buttocks; stimulates abdominal organs; reduces stress; alleviates sciatica pain.

Cobra Pose Benefits
Cobra Pose Benefits

How to do it:

  • Lie face down on the floor, legs straight, tops of feet touching the floor.
  • Place hands on the floor and slowly push up, stretching shoulders, keeping elbows close to the body.
  • Press toes, thighs, and pubic bone into the floor.
  • Breathe deeply, gradually adjusting your body: straighten arms, arch spine, and tilt head back as far as possible. Feel the stretch in your abdomen, shoulders, chest, and spine.

Camel Pose Benefits

Great for neck and shoulder bones, increases spine flexibility, improves blood circulation to the brain, beautifies skin, tones waist, chest, and buttocks, helps with back pain and stomach issues, regulates menstruation in women, and reduces wrinkles.

Camel Pose Benefits
Camel Pose Benefits

How to do it:

  • Kneel with knees and hips wide apart, thighs perpendicular to the floor. Rotate thighs slightly inward, bringing hips closer.
  • Place hands on your lower back and pelvis, fingers pointing down. Push hands from pelvis to tailbone. Arch tailbone forward, push thighs back. Inhale, lift chest by pressing shoulder blades down below the ribcage.
  • Maintain tailbone and shoulder blade position, head straight, chin near chest, hands on hips. Touch feet while keeping thighs vertical to the floor. Slightly tilt thighs, rotate to touch one hand to the leg. Then press thighs back to vertical, rotate waist to starting position. Repeat for the other side.
  • Relax front ribs, lift pelvis towards ribs. Then lift ribs from pelvis. Extend spine as much as possible. Palms firmly grip heels. Slightly rotate arms outward, bring hands towards chest.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute. To rest, place hands on hips. Inhale and lift head and waist by pressing hands on hips.

Downward Facing Dog Benefits

Strengthens the entire body, especially arms and legs; prevents osteoporosis and improves blood circulation. It also calms the mind, rejuvenates the body, improves the immune system, and is good for people with sinus-related issues.

Downward Facing Dog Benefits
Downward Facing Dog Benefits

How to do it:

  • Kneel with legs apart, arms shoulder-width apart and pressed to the floor.
  • Using arm strength, slowly push hips up, straightening legs.
  • Move hands forward and feet back to stretch the body, forming an inverted V, pressing thighs firmly while moving.
  • Keep soles of feet firmly on the floor.
  • Breathe evenly and maintain the pose for 30 seconds.

Wind Relieving Pose Benefits

Enhances internal organ function, releases excess abdominal fat, stimulates nerves, increases blood flow to the skin, massages skin and other body organs.

Wind Relieving Pose Benefits
Wind Relieving Pose Benefits

How to do it:

  • Lie on the floor and bring knees up to your chest, hands holding ankles.
  • Hug knees tightly with arms while lifting head off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds.

Fish Pose Benefits

Helps stretch the skin, removes excess fat from areas like abdomen, hips, thighs, strengthens parathyroid glands, good for heart and bone endurance.

Fish Pose Benefits
Fish Pose Benefits

How to do it:

  • Lie on your back, legs straight and together on the floor.
  • Place hands under your head.
  • Push chest up and tilt head back, shifting weight to elbows and arms, expanding chest maximally.
  • Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds, breathing gently. On an exhale, lower head and waist to the floor. Bring thighs to abdomen, pressing firmly.

Along with these simple yoga exercises, regularly attending professional yoga classes in Ho Chi Minh City will bring more physical, health, and body-shaping benefits.

Yoga Exercises to Maintain Youthfulness 3

Yoga classes in District 3 and Go Vap at SaigonDance Center are regularly open for new students daily. For advice and registration for daily yoga classes, contact:

SaigonDance Center: Saigon Professional Yoga and Dance Training Center

  • Branch 1: 94-96 Street 2, Do Thanh Residential Area, Ward 4, District 3, HCM – Hotline: 38 329 429 – 090 2322 361
  •  Branch 2: 85 Pham Huy Thong, Ward 17, Go Vap District, HCM – Hotline: 38 3636 5202 – 0902 992 361
  • Website: https://www.saigondance.vn/
  • Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/saigondancevn/

FAQ Section:

What is the recommended frequency and duration for practicing these yoga poses?

For optimal results, practice these yoga poses 3-5 times per week. Beginners should start with 15-20 minute sessions, gradually increasing to 30-60 minutes as strength and flexibility improve. Consistency is key: daily practice of even 10 minutes can yield significant benefits. Aim to hold each pose for 30-60 seconds, performing 3-5 repetitions per session. Remember to listen to your body and progress at your own pace.

Are there any contraindications or risks associated with these yoga poses?

While yoga is generally safe, certain poses may pose risks for individuals with specific health conditions:

  • Cobra Pose: Avoid if you have back injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, or are pregnant
  • Camel Pose: Not recommended for those with neck or back injuries, high or low blood pressure
  • Downward Facing Dog: Use caution if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder injuries, or headaches
  • Wind Relieving Pose: Avoid during pregnancy or if you have neck or back injuries
  • Fish Pose: Not suitable for those with neck injuries or high blood pressure

Always consult a healthcare professional before starting a new yoga practice, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions.

How important is proper breathing technique in yoga, and how can I improve it?

Proper breathing technique, known as pranayama, is crucial in yoga practice. It enhances:

  • Oxygen flow: Increases by up to 5-10% with deep, controlled breathing
  • Stress reduction: Lowers cortisol levels by 20-30%
  • Focus: Improves concentration by 14-18%

To improve your breathing:

  • Practice diaphragmatic breathing: Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 2, exhale for 6
  • Try alternate nostril breathing: Balance left and right brain hemispheres
  • Incorporate ujjayi breath: Creates a 15-20% increase in oxygen consumption

Aim to synchronize your breath with movement, inhaling during expansive movements and exhaling during contractions. Dedicate 5-10 minutes daily to focused breathing exercises to maximize the benefits of your yoga practice.

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