• tiktok
Saigondance 94 – 96 Second street, Ward 4, District 3
(8428) 38 329 429 - 0902 322 361

TUITION Saigondance 1


  • Vietcombank account number (Using for school fee payment): 072 1000 530 878
  • Account holder: Tran Ngan Company Limited, Ky Dong Branch – HCMC
  • Payment description: Student’s full name – Phone number – Registered Class – Branch Name.


  • The class will be open when full 10 students rigisted the course except some special classes.
  • If students who registered the course miss a session, they can take one session of Yoga or Zumba or Stretching or Pilates or Tiktok Dance at District 3. However, duration of validity is not over 15 days after the course end date.
  • Students register for a course of equipment classes (Pole dancing, silk hammock dance, aerial yoga, hoop dance) for 8 fixed sessions. If student is off (for personal reasons or if students register the course late), or have not yet attended school, they will be given a make-up card for the registered subject (the make-up card deadline is equal to the end date of the registered class) in case the registration time frame for the make-up class is no longer available or the registered subject is not available. If you do not have a make-up class, you will be supported with an alternative class such as Yoga, Zumba, Flexibility, Pilates or Tiktok Dance at Saigondance D3. The make-up time limit is no more than 15 days from the end of the originally registered course.
  • Students registed course will learn 8 sessions/course. Each class takes 1 hour except advanced course or specific course.
  • Students say their names at reception desk before attending the class.
  • No reserving class, changing class and refunding school fees.
  • No recording, taking photos in class if teacher and others students do not agree.
  • Saigondance school has entire disposal of photos and class records without asking for permissions of students.
  • Turn off the cell phone and put personal belongings in the locker. Do not bring ice plastic cups into the class. For children’s classes, parents do not enter the classroom without the consent of the teacher.
  • Registing the course students did agree with general regulations of Saigondance.

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